Advanced Theory
Introduction and Fundamentals
- Constructive Logic
- Introduction to Mathematical Programming
- Introduction to Optimization
- Nonlinear Programming
- Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control
Theoretical Computer Science
- Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science
- Theory of Computation
- Automata Theory
- Category Theory
- Applied Category Theory
- Category Theory for Scientists
- Computational Geometry T
- Computational Geometry M
- Probabilistically Checkable Proofs
- Algorithmist’s Toolkit
Convex Optimization
- Introduction to Convex Optimization
- Convex Optimization I
- Convex Optimization II
- Convex Analysis and Optimization
Game Theory
Optimization Methods and Algorithms
- Optimization Methods
- Advanced Complexity Theory
- Quantum Complexity Theory
- Geometric Combinatorics
- Geometric Folding Algorithms
- Advanced Data Structures
- Distributed Algorithms
- Advanced Algorithms
- Advanced Algorithms and Graph Theory with Python
- Randomized Algorithms
- Algorithmic Lower Bounds
- Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning